Welcome back to a new term and welcome all new Kingfishers!
This term our topic is ‘Houses and Homes!’ and we will be learning about all the different buildings and other dwellings that we call home.
We will start with the children talking and writing about their own home and who lives with them in their home. We will be learning about what buildings are made from. After half term we will be comparing homes old and new and focussing on homes in Tudor times.
In Science we will be making observations about the properties of materials and categorising them by these properties, such as whether they are rough, smooth, hard or soft. In Art we will be learning about the work of Lowry and making our own city scape. In DT we will be designing and creating our dream house and experimenting with making houses from a variety of materials and testing them for their strength and durability based on the book The Three Little Pigs.
In Literacy we will be discovering some wonderful new quality texts together to inspire our writing (to remain undisclosed from the children until the Literacy lessons!). We will be practising our high frequency word spellings and handwriting. Later in the term we will be looking at enjoying some classics such as Wind in the Willows, with a focus on animals in their habitats. In Maths we will be working on place value with a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
In Computing we will be looking at the importance of staying safe online. We will be revisiting the keyboard and screen icons, as well as using algorithms and code. In Geography we will be learning about where we live in our locality. In History, later in the term, we will be learning about the Great Fire of London and important people from the past including Samuel Pepys and Guy Fawkes.
In PSHE and RE we will be learning about the importance of school rules and respecting each other. We will be celebrating harvest and looking at how harvest is celebrated by different religions. In PE we will be focussing on bat and ball skills and later in the term the focus will be dance and gymnastics. In Music we will be learning about pitch and rhythm as well as learning lots of new seasonal songs for Harvest. At Christmas we will be producing a key stage 1 Nativity!
Important things to remember
P.E is going to be on Fridays (with Class Teacher) and Wednesdays (Games Skills with Mark Potter). Please make sure children have a PE kit in school. Spellings to practise will be sent home on Mondays for a test the following Monday. All children need a water bottle in school every day.
Mrs Vernon