Puffins Class

Puffins Planning Letter: Autumn Term 5/6 2024 - Mrs Lancaster & Mrs Pepper

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, we would like to wish you a warm welcome back after the Easter holidays!

The children have settled into their studies well and have embraced our new unit of work ‘Is our world dangerous?’. This predominately Geography and Science based topic looks at natural disasters. It is an exciting theme where we will be learning more about the wider world around us, giving children the chance to gain a better understanding of how people can be affected by their environment.

We will be learning all about the different natural disasters that take place around the world, discussing where they can mostly be found and why they happen, including looking at the structure of the Earth and plate tectonics. We will also be studying past disasters throughout history.


To start the term, we will be studying the book ‘Storm’ by Kevin Crossley-Holland. We will focus on writing a mystery story followed by an instructional report.

After half term, we will be studying at the book ‘Mousehole cat’ as well as comparing and contrasting poetry by Christina Rosetti.


In term five, we will continue to learn about rocks and soil which will support our topic learning.  In term five, we will learn about states of matter.


There is a spelling session each day Monday - Friday. Children will continue to receive their words for the week on a Monday with a dictation exercise on a Friday.


This term we will be discussing children’s dreams and goals, and how they can work towards reaching them.

In term 6 we will be focusing on Healthy Me - which looks at how to keep our bodies healthy.


We will continue our learning about programming using Scratch.

French and recorders will continue to take place through the term.


Monday: P.E. with Wayne

Tuesday: Homework handed in.

Wednesday: Year 3 - P.E with Ms. Lancaster. Year 4 - swimming

Thursday: Homework handed out.

Friday: Spelling dictation sentences.


At the start of term, we will be continuing our learning about fractions before moving on to decimals, money and shapes. After half term we learn about units of time and statistics.


This term, our Monday sessions will be run by Wayne and will focus on tennis. On Wednesday, year 3 will be learning the skills to play rounders while year 4 go swimming.


We will be working on relief printing using polystyrene.  This will include colour mixing, adding depth and light and painting in the style of famous artists, including Houkasi’s “The Wave.”


Our design and technology project for term 6 will be all about levers and linkages and we will create a pop up book.


Homework will be set each week on a Thursday. A homework menu will be given out which will feature mainly reading and writing tasks.

Don’t forget, you can do some extra work at home on Times Table Rock Stars, and make sure you keep reading!

Please ensure that children do still get the chance to read at home with an adult – it is important that they get the chance to discuss their reading as much as possible outside of school as well as in class.


In RE in term 5 our big question is 'When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost?'.

This will be followed in term 6 with 'Why do people mark the significant events of life?'