Eagles Planning Letter: Autumn Term 3/4 2024 - Rivers - Mrs Lancaster

Welcome back to school after the Christmas break!
Eagles have settled into the new term really well and are fully engaged with all our learning!
Over the next term, the children will be exploring the novel The Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll. They will use this text to develop their reading fluency alongside their inference and deduction skills. In addition, this high quality text will also be used as a stimuli for developing written pieces focusing on the purpose of writing and its intended audience. The children will be writing a newspaper article and a multi chapter narrative. In term 4, they will study Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian and use it as a stimuli for further writing including diary entries and debates.
We are continuing with Superhero Spellings scheme and the children will be bringing home ten words every Monday to learn and practise ready for a spelling assessment the following Friday. These will also be reinforced in school every day.
This term we will learn about: Living things and their habitats. This will include looking at the enquiry question: ‘How are the life cycles of animals similar and how are they different?’ as well as classifying living things.
Art & DT
In art, we will be looking at the features of installation art and how it can communicate a message; exploring the work of Cai Guo-Qiang and discovering how our life experiences can inspire our art.
Homework Expectations
Thank you for supporting your children with consolidating their learning at home. These will include:
Regular reading practice (either independently or to an adult)
Spellings (tested Thursday)
Activities in CGP books (Y6)
Weekly activities from the topic home learning menu
In maths this term, the class will develop fluency, problem solving and reasoning in the following units. They will cover:
Multiplication and division – to include multistep problems, efficient division and order of operations
Fractions – to include multiplying and dividing fractions
Decimals – including ordering and comparing, and rounding decimals
Area and perimeter – including volume and capacity
Please continue to support your child with their times tables learning and interaction with TTRockstars to help their maths fluency.
History & Geography
Our main topic for the spring terms is the features of rivers and has a Geography focus. The children will learn the key features of river systems, the characteristics of the three stages of a river and we will look at the features of the river Thames. We will also be going on a class trip to support this learning.
Religious Education
Our RE enquiry question is ‘Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people?’. This will include learning about synagogues and Jewish beliefs about God.
Our PSHE focus is on Dreams and Goals. We will be asking the children to consider what their dream job might be, why they want it and the steps they could take to get there.
We will be looking at notation and composing.