Collective Worship

At Framfied CE Primary School our children are at the centre of everything we do. We strongly believe in offering every child every opportunity to develop into thoughtful, confident and compassionate members of society. We can only achieve this by having a reflective school community.

At school, staff and children lead daily worship. It is a time when we come together to explore our values and take time to reflect upon and live out the worship themes, through a range of resources that include music, drama, singing, reflection and prayer.

Our Rector, the Reverend James Vine, is actively involved in school life. He leads worship in school and for major church festivals and key events in our school year, we worship at St Thomas a Becket.

Monday Whole school Mrs Roberts, Interim Headteacher
Tuesday Singing assembly Ms Black
Wednesday Picture News / House Assembly Mrs Kent / Mrs Cranston / Mrs Lancaster
Thursday Visitors / Class Assembly Mrs Roberts
Friday Whole school celebration Mrs Roberts